Note about a Visitor

My husband and I were sitting at home on the couch, I was working on my next blog post and my husband playing a video game. We hear a knock at the door. Normally it is just our Mormon visitors that knock at our door unexpectantly, but today this was not the case. My husband opens the door to a gentleman with a bag of container holding homemade cookies and taped on top were envelopes with stickers that said ” Be Joyful always.” My husband, surprised, inquired further about the gift. The man said he worked for a wealthy client that lived nearby and liked to help out around the neighborhood. He hoped the money he gave us would help with food or gas, whatever we may need. Inside the envelope was a crisp 50-dollar bill, a card about the Bridge (between Us and Heaven through Jesus) and another about Christ and the armor of God. The Holy Spirit nudged me to share this. I think He’s got even bigger plans for this Blog than I could even imagine. What a beautiful blessing sent to us by God. Thank you, Jesus for your Children. Thank you stranger for your kindness.

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