Rest in Me Part 2

This message is inspired by an outline given by my Pastor at Rez Church at Crossroads in Loveland Colorado. His messages are available on Youtube if you would like more details, the particular message I believe happened on 10/8 over the 5 C’s: Confession, Consecration, Connection, Creation and Correction. I felt the Lord connecting the concepts to songs: Defender- confession, I cannot do it alone, In Control- Consecration, declaring it is not my way but yours, Rest- connection, it is the key to intimacy with God, Throne room- Creation, Jesus made everything and sacrificed everything for us, The more I seek you-Correction, spending time with God is how you become more like Christ. I put this aside for a while, I recorded these back in late October. Later as the year went on I added two more songs and C’s. Living hope- Compliance, in order to stop the rollercoaster of worry you must cling to God’s promises and presence and Back to life- Completion- it was finished on the cross, we are saved through Jesus Christ. I finally felt I was supposed to start tackling this message on the first of the year. Some of it may sound familiar if you read my first post titled Rest in me. The first the songs are part of the first message God ever gave me so it seems fitting as we circle around to my first-year anniversary submitted to God that He would Complete the message for me. I do want to start with some vocabulary definitions first so you can understand the message in its entirety.

Throne Room- You rendered heaven, the veil was torn in two- rendered in regard to fat means melted in, or to separate out impurities, in regard to stone it means covered with a coat of plaster. So, when God rendered Heaven, He separated Heaven from Earth AND covered Heaven with the blood of the lamb. When He tore the veil and paid for our sins, we became a part of that rendering. Now HE is purifying us and covering us.

Throne Room- (Kari Jobe is always making me think with her vocabulary choices) It’s the anthem of praise, I am the anthem of praise- uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause; a choral composition (song) based on biblical passage (the word). It’s the song of the word and good news. We are the ambassadors of praise and the word of God (Jesus!)

He sings over us as much as we sing onto Him. The anthem is not one way but two. What is He speaking over you?

Gretzinger, Stephanie, “The more I seek you,” YouTube, 6 Sept 2016, The More I Seek You ( (Jan 1, 2024)

Wiggins, Johnathon. Rez Church “God and Country Part 7,” YouTube, 8 Oct 2023. October 8, 2023 | God and Country – Part 7 | Pastor Jonathan Wiggins ( (Oct 8, 2023)

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