The Trinity Presents

At this point I am going to site the music, and if anyone wants more details on how it works, feel free to ask. This message is composed of 6 songs, it started by hearing a version of So Will I without lyrics and finding myself singing The Dove. It was actually easier to hear it without the lyrics. I even confirmed it by running bits of track of So Will I and the Dove over each other. It was great confirmation once more that what I am doing is in fact God sent. Sometimes it is beyond my comprehension how many of these I find, I have not been able to decipher more than 5% of them. He feeds certain songs to me occasionally, it seems like YouTube autoplay is broken until I hear the word he wants me to grasp.

I add this paragraph days later and I laugh because He did it again. He played a song type over and over and over until I got the message. It just makes me think of Chris Vallotton’s mention of the burning bush and how many days it took Moses to notice it for what it was, a bush, still burning, unconsumed. It’s a reminder to think eternally, to slow down, especially in this season and just try and see things from a larger perspective.

Nothing Else- Jobe, Kari; “Nothing Else+ the Heart of Worship” 2 May 2023, Nothing Else + The Heart of Worship // Kari Jobe // Take 2 – YouTube (November 20, 2023)

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