White Christmas hidden message

Sometimes songs that don’t generally sound inherently Christian, can still have messages from God. In this example, I give you “White Christmas” which yes, it is based on Christmas but doesn’t really mention Jesus or God. However, when I listened to it a few weeks ago and, with the help of another, the holy spirit revealed to me a hidden message. Here are the Lyrics:

I’m dreaming of a White Christmas, just like the ones I used to know. Where the tree tops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas with every Christmas card I write. May your days be merry and white; and may all your Christmases be white.

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas: White is the color of purity, cleanliness, it is commonly used to describe Christians in the bible because they are cleansed of sin by Jesus blood through accepting Him into their hearts and His sacrifice on the cross. Christmas, the word itself, actually derives from the two words: Christ Mass. Mass refers to a religious service, specifically those who take communion in remembrance of what Jesus did for them. So White Christmas refers to the Church of Christ.

Just like the ones I used to know: this make me think of Revelations 2:5 (NIV) Look at how far you’ve fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. The passion translation says ” do the works of love you did at first”. It is a call to the people to return to their first love, Jesus, and not hide in their works, attempting to earn their way into Heaven.

Where the tree tops glisten: Trees in the bible commonly refer to people. When a plant glistens, it commonly means it is healthy. Healthy trees are fruitful. Fruitful trees are fruits of the Holy Spirit, those who express those fruits spread the good news.

and Children listen: Children refers to the Children of God, those obedient to His word.

to hear sleigh bells in the snow: Hearing is how we receive faith. What we hear affects how we think and then how we feel. It is a door to the soul. Sleigh bells are victory bells. I can’t help but think of the end of polar express, when the boy hears the bells sound for the first time after believing in Santa. In fact, that whole movie is the story of a person finding faith, despite what the world teaches them, When I think of any bell and how we have used them in the past, they are often a celebration of victory. In this case it represents victory in the blood (of Jesus).

with every Christmas card I write: so applying church in place of Christmas we have church card. I also think of how most Christmas card ‘s are normally a type of love letter between family members. Both these ideas point me towards the BIble. It is God’s love letter to us and actually contains many letters to specific churches.

may you days be merry and bright: merry is another word for Joy and brightness is a side effect of being filled with the Lord’s presence as well as when we live a faith filled life

and may all your Christmas’s be white: I think this is personal and corporately. As a believer, may you always stay clean of sin (surrender everyday to Jesus) and all your Churches corporately follow the Holy Spirit and stay righteous.

God speaking translated: I’m dreaming of Christ’s church, who’s focus is on Jesus and love more than anything else. Children of God who are fruitful and obedient to my word, who listen for me and believe victory is already mine. I’m dreaming of a sinfully cleansed Church with every Love letter of the Bible I write. May you choose Joy and overflow with my presence and may you always follow me and stay righteous.

Daigle, Laurel “White Christmas” YouTube, Oct 27 2016. Lilly 3m Prospects (youtube.com) Dec 21 2023

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